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Liam Neeson returns as ex-covert operative Bryan Mills, whose reconciliation with his ex-wife is tragically cut short when she is brutally murdered. Consumed with rage, and framed for the crime, he goes on the run to evade the relentless pursuit of the CIA, FBI and the police. For one last time, Mills must use his "particular set of skills," to track down the real killers, exact his unique brand of justice, and protect the only thing that matters to him now - his daughter. (C) Fox.
About Taken 3
Artist :
Liam Neeson,
Maggie Grace,
Famke Janssen,
Forest Whitaker,
Sam Spruell
As :
Bryan Mills,
Title :
Watch Taken 3 Streaming Online Free PutlockerMovie
Release date : 2015-01-09
Movie Code : 2446042
Duration : 93
Category :
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Comment For Watch Taken 3 Movie Online Free VoodlockerTv HD

Name : James Berardinelli a.k.a
Taken 3 is exactly what one might anticipate from an unnecessary sequel in a mediocre franchise.

Name : Betsy Sharkey a.k.a
Los Angeles Times
"Taken 3" is so unintentionally hilarious I couldn't help but wonder - do movie contracts carry a humiliation bonus clause these days?

Name : Rafer Guzman a.k.a
Neeson's late-life rebirth as an action star may be drawing to a close with this limping, wheezing entry in the "Taken" franchise.

Name : Nicolas Rapold a.k.a
New York Times
The logy screenplay, by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen, sags under head-clutchingly banal dramatic scenes. Only Mr. Neeson's appeal somehow survives unscathed, perhaps the most impressive stunt of all.

Name : David Hiltbrand a.k.a
Philadelphia Inquirer
Nothing gets taken here except your ticket money.

Name : Bilge Ebiri a.k.a
New York Magazine/Vulture
The concept is lame, and the execution is lame, too. The more the film advances, the less we care about the plot - or anything that happens to anybody, really.

Name : Alonso Duralde a.k.a
Megaton and editors Audrey Simonaud and Nicolas Trembasiewicz take every fist-fight, shoot-out and highway chase and shred them into milliseconds of mismatched visual information like something out of a latter-day Godard movie.

Name : Ben Sachs a.k.a
Chicago Reader
Forest Whitaker turns in one of his sleepiest performances; no one else seems to be trying very hard either, yet director Olivier Megaton delivers some good chases, fist fights, and shots of Neeson looking glum.

Name : Peter Howell a.k.a
Toronto Star
Taken 3 is such a blatant paycheque gig for Liam Neeson, you almost expect him to stop midmovie to deposit his loot into an ATM.

Name : Tom Huddleston a.k.a
Time Out
'Taken 3' scores over its predecessor on almost every level: the stakes are higher, the LA locations are nicely photographed and, best of all, there's an actual plot, with twists and everything.

Name : Claudia Puig a.k.a
USA Today
If you've seen Taken or Taken 2, you've already been taken, and there's not much different here.

Name : Maggie Lee a.k.a
The third and presumably final installment of the Liam Neeson action franchise is a mind-numbing, crash-bang misfire.

Name : Ignatiy Vishnevetsky a.k.a
AV Club
Because Mills' hyper-competence never seems exciting, it instead becomes giggle-inducing.

Name : Joe Neumaier a.k.a
New York Daily News
Here it's the audience that gets taken.

Name : Wesley Morris a.k.a
A movie that thinks the way to earn our knuckle-biting is to be as dull as hell for 35 minutes, then send a giant shipping container hurtling along the interstate. But you yawn through that, too.

Name : Randy Cordova a.k.a
Arizona Republic
All kinds of problems are forgivable in a movie like this if the finished product is exciting. That doesn't happen here.

Name : Clarence Tsui a.k.a
Hollywood Reporter
Besson's team has signed off the trilogy with a whimper rather than the kind of unfettered bang delivered by the first two films.

Name : Kyle Anderson a.k.a
Entertainment Weekly
It's the weakest of the trilogy, but Taken 3 kicks just hard enough to survive another day.

Name : Mick LaSalle a.k.a
San Francisco Chronicle
If you love the other "Taken" movies, you will like this. But if you're determined to love it, you'll have to talk yourself into it - and even then, it might not work.

Name : Peter Travers a.k.a
Rolling Stone
Be warned, sequel fanboys: This thing sucks! At 62, Neeson still has a glare that means badass. Nothing else makes a damn lick of sense. The only thing getting taken is the audience.

Name : Richard Roeper a.k.a
Chicago Sun-Times
I'll tell you what got "Taken." A hundred and twelve minutes of my life got "Taken."

Name : Amy Nicholson a.k.a
L.A. Weekly
All you need to know about Taken 3 is that Liam Neeson survives an explosive car crash - twice.
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