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The true love story of Laurel Hester and Stacie Andree and their fight for justice. A decorated New Jersey police detective, Laurel is diagnosed with cancer and wants to leave her hard earned pension to her domestic partner, Stacie. However the county officials, Freeholders, conspire to prevent Laurel from doing this. Hard-nosed detective Dane Wells, and activist Steven Goldstein, unite in Laurel and Stacie's defense, rallying police officers and ordinary citizens to support their struggle for equality.
About Freeheld
Artist :
Ellen Page,
Steve Carell,
Julianne Moore,
Michael Shannon,
Josh Charles
As :
Stacie Andree,
Steven Goldstein,
Laurel Hester,
Dane Wells
Title :
Watch Freeheld Online Free BoxOfficeMojo
Release date : 2015-10-02
Movie Code : 1658801
Duration : 103
Category :
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Comment For Watch Freeheld Full Movie Megamovie

Name : Rex Reed a.k.a
New York Observer
It's a poignant, relevant and beautifully made film that must not be missed by anyone with a heart and a social conscience.

Name : Simon Houpt a.k.a
Globe and Mail
Page and Julianne Moore, who plays Hester, have an easy if not electric chemistry, but they seem hamstrung by the movie-of-the-week tropes and Peter Sollett's plodding direction.

Name : Alonso Duralde a.k.a
The real-life story is moving and stirring enough to carry over the film's tendency to coddle its straight audience's perceived inability to be outraged over Laurel's plight.

Name : Justin Chang a.k.a
At times plays like a period piece, populated by cardboard bigots, flamboyant gay crusaders and other hoary relics of a less enlightened past. That may be cause for celebration, but it's hardly a compliment.

Name : Bruce Demara a.k.a
Toronto Star
It hits the right sentimental moments but doesn't truly touch hearts as it settles into courtroom drama mode.

Name : Kenneth Turan a.k.a
Los Angeles Times
You would have to be a stone to be completely unmoved by "Freeheld," especially with Moore as the star. But having its heart and mind in the right place is not enough to make this a better movie than it is.

Name : Ann Hornaday a.k.a
Washington Post
The drama that "Freeheld" unsuccessfully strives for ultimately can't compete with the far-more-compelling facts that inspired it.

Name : Lou Lumenick a.k.a
New York Post
Well-meaning but fairly predictable tear-jerker.

Name : Benjamin Mercer a.k.a
AV Club
It doesn't quite feel like the prestige pictures that blow through theaters this time of year; it's a drama often dignified by its workmanlike approach, one that feels relatively judicious with its uplift.

Name : David Rooney a.k.a
Hollywood Reporter
Freeheld underwhelms even as it more or less delivers .

Name : Ty Burr a.k.a
Boston Globe
"Freeheld" is a disappointingly flat affair, plodding in its pacing and predictable in its story beats.

Name : Adam Graham a.k.a
Detroit News
It's a stiff, overly calculated piece of awards bait that has all the elements of an Academy Awards triumph - except a beating heart.

Name : Alan Scherstuhl a.k.a
Village Voice
It's a sharp-enough political drama, building to a Lincoln-like public vote, and it's a surprisingly restrained cancer picture, an affecting one that nonetheless doesn't demand that we agonize at each step of the patient's decline.

Name : Liz Braun a.k.a
Toronto Sun
[Freeheld] is sincere, to be sure, but unlikely to win any prizes. For starters, the most memorable character in this important story of a courageous woman is a man; that's a problem.

Name : Bill Goodykoontz a.k.a
Arizona Republic
A well-meaning movie whose sterling intentions, timely and provocative subject and terrific cast are muted to near oblivion by uninspired storytelling and direction.

Name : Manohla Dargis a.k.a
New York Times
A television movie of the week gone uninterestingly wrong .

Name : Leah Greenblatt a.k.a
Entertainment Weekly
For all its clumsiness, the story resonates-and the photos that run over the final credits are a poignant reminder of the real life, not just the political legacy, that Laurel left behind.

Name : Peter Travers a.k.a
Rolling Stone
This film about a headline-making LGBT rights case simplifies when it most needs to stay knotty, but keep your eyes on Julianne Moore and Ellen Page and you'll know your seeing the truth.

Name : Jocelyn Noveck a.k.a
Associated Press
It's a well-made but matter-of-fact account of a gripping story, one made more poignant by the advances made in gay rights in the decade since.

Name : Peter Rainer a.k.a
Christian Science Monitor
The early scenes, when Laurel and Stacie first meet and court, are charming, and the performers' contrapuntal acting styles here ring true. But when the diagnosis arrives, all the predictable buttons are pushed and righteousness reigns.

Name : Mick LaSalle a.k.a
San Francisco Chronicle
"Freeheld" is formulaic, but some formulas are good if you do them right, and it helps knowing that it all really happened, or most of it.

Name : Moira MacDonald a.k.a
Seattle Times
In the end credits, we see photos of the real Laurel and Stacie, in happier days, and you can see love glowing around them. Too bad that the movie, well-intentioned as it is, never quite catches that spark.

Name : Calvin Wilson a.k.a
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"Freeheld" is a snapshot of a notable American moment.

Name : J. R. Jones a.k.a
Chicago Reader
The story is more worthy than watchable - part chest-thumping issue drama, part disease-of-the-week tearjerker.

Name : Stephen Whitty a.k.a
Newark Star-Ledger
In spite of itself . "Freeheld" still delivers emotionally.

Name : Richard Roeper a.k.a
Chicago Sun-Times
It's just a shame Freeheld couldn't state its case without STATING ITS CASE so often.

Name : Steve Pond a.k.a
It isn't a great movie, but it's a great story told with affection and heart.

Name : David Ehrlich a.k.a
Time Out
Just because anyone would agree with its message doesn't mean this glorified Lifetime movie does a worthy job of conveying it.
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